Optimum Nutrition
Sean Conway's Record Breaking Iron 105
The Challenge
To amplify the news of Sean Conway’s challenge and successful world record achievement – 105 days completing full Iron Men each day, while landing the brand’s positioning; ‘There’s More in All of Us’.
The Approach
This campaign focused on placing national and regional broadcast interviews with Sean as well as targeting key lifestyle, national, consumer and sport-focused media with information on how to achieve astonishing goals through mindset & nutrition. Sean had many sponsors for this activity, so we focused on the monumental efforts it took to fuel this insane challenge!

Throughout the 105 days, we amplified Sean’s journey, through PR, as well as a ‘finish line’ moment on day 102, when Sean broke the record. Sean decided to carry on for an additional 3 days.
We landed national, lifestyle and regional coverage in key titles for the brand’s target audience such as The Telegraph, Men’s Health and Sky News. All coverage referenced Optimum Nutrition as Sean’s fuel – as Sean’s calorie intake was an integral part of his success in this record-breaking challenge.

The Results
pieces Of earned media coverage
Combined reach
estimated coverage views
positive sentiment