The Doghouse
The Challenge
To raise awareness of Shark’s wide range of cleaning products are perfect (and often very specific) to pet cleaning scenarios.
The approach
Position the Shark cleaning range as the superior pet cleaning option by demonstrating and showcasing products in a contextually relevant home and pet-focused environment – think dog bowls and cream carpets perfect for muddy paws!
By partnering with Goodwoof, the UK’s number-one pet festival, we were able to engage with Shark’s target audience in an experiential event that created a situation where awareness would prompt purchase consideration.
The solution
Welcome to The Doghouse by Shark Ninja, a destination to explore effective solutions for pet mishaps where festival goers could explore, try, and purchase products from the Shark cleaning range.
We created a rolling schedule of product demos and contextualised product showcases, as well as hands-on product testing experiences with giveaways, sharable photo moments, shoppable displays, and exclusive discounts.
The impact
The pop-up generated over £9.6k in in-person sales and led to a massive consideration rate of 53%.
The experience itself was rated one of the best at GoodWoof, delivering prominent brand visibility and awareness to a primed and relevant audience as well as over 16k happy, waggy tails!

The results
direct engagements testing products
experience visitors
voucher redemption (vs benchmark 7%)
sales converted at event
visitor purchase consideration
signed up to the Ninja newsletter