
Picture of Health


The challenge

How can Bupa capitalise on its role as Healthcare Partner to the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games in five markets, whilst positioning Bupa as the brand that really ‘getshealth?

The approach

Understanding that there isn’t a one-size-fits-all definition of health, health is unique and individual, we wanted to create a social movement to democratise and represent health more holistically online – spearheaded by Bupa’s athletes, for whom health in all its forms is paramount to their performance. Sparking conversation around the world on inclusive definitions of health. 


‘Picture of Health’: a global campaign that showcases and celebrates diverse health stories through photos. 

Partnering with world-renowned photographer Annie Leibovitz to capture and release six portraits showcasing what health means to Bupa’s para-athletes.

We encouraged everyone around the world to get involved and share their Picture of Health on Bupa’s microsite – with the opportunity to win tickets to Paris 2024 and feature in National Geographic magazine.

The campaign was activated across earned media and Bupa’s owned channels and further amplified with an OOH open-air gallery on London’s South Bank displaying the athlete’s portraits, plus digital, social, print and OOH in key Bupa markets globally.  

The impact

Picture of Health assets are now the most viewed content on each of Bupa’s market channels, of all time.

Fiona Bosman, Brand Director BUPA



Pieces of global editorial media coverage


Earned media reach


Coverage engagements


Views of POH video content

Pieces of influencer content


Visits to the Bupa website