The Challenge
To shift consumer perceptions from ‘Lebara is an affordable mobile network’ to a much stronger brand positioning that challenges the status quo and disrupts the mobile industry.
The approach
Showcase that Lebara raises the bar by providing great value, without compromising on quality – setting Lebara’s brand positioning as the ‘Great Deal’ giver of mobile networks that isn’t afraid to speak their mind.
The solution
Create the greatest deal there ever was – we made one of the UK’s most expensive coastal towns – Deal – a “Great Deal”– in a tongue-in-cheek sponsorship of the whole town.
This multi-layered, integrated campaign saw influencers driving content around the town of Deal, encouraging others to take advantage of Lebara’s deals. Partnerships with leading Gen Z social platforms such as The Archbishop of Banterbury led to the reaching of new audiences for Lebara, and partnerships with six businesses in Deal so that they could directly give back to the community.

The impact
During this hectic activation period including Black Friday and pre-Christmas round-ups, Lebara’s earned share of voice increased by a mammoth 34%pts vs its direct competitors, stealing away share from the market-leading brands.
Google searches spiked at 21% on the two days after our campaign went live, showing a direct engagement and awareness drive with consumers seeing Great Deal and wanting to engage further. Who can blame them!
Plus, over 35,000 people visited our microsite, which housed ‘Great Deal’ online, we didn’t want those who couldn’t visit Deal in Kent in-person to miss out.
The results
pieces of editorial coverage
Earned audience reach
social link clicks
earned media share of voice
direct digital engagers
Est’ online coverage views