Capital One:
Not So Spooky Spending
In order to help Capital One UK strengthen its position as an ally to the consumers of the United Kingdom, we’ve worked with them in creating a partnership with Sophie Bradbury, you may know her as @BudgetMumSoph on Instagram.
The partnership will focus on doing ‘One Good Thing’ by offering the nation’s parents a series of money-saving tips and hacks to help them navigate the cost of living and keep kids entertained during the October half-term.
Michelle Robb, Head of Research and Insights at Capital One UK said: “Our data shows us that half-term can be a busy, stressful and expensive time for a lot of people, especially working parents. We’re on a mission to drive positive change in the industry, putting the best interests of our customers first, by doing one small, good thing at a time. We see from the research that entertaining kids is one of the top expenses, so have commissioned @BudgetMumSoph to share some of the many ways to keep kids stimulated during the cold and dark October half-term, for little to no money.”
Some of Sophie’s tips to keep spending in check
1. Free community events: Local libraries or community centres usually host events or share information about those happening elsewhere.
2. Meal-prep: It’s very easy to get into the habit of just popping to the shop every night to grab something for dinner, especially when the kids are running riot at home. But this is often much more expensive. Start meal prepping for the week ahead to save time and money.
3. Car boot/charity shop challenge: Try setting the kids a low-cost challenge to see what they can get that they’ll love for a fiver. To make purchases stretch further, try challenging the kids to find a board game they can then play at home for hours more fun – or days if it’s Monopoly…